The do's and don'ts of proper ski etiquette. Credit: Oxygene Ski School
The skier in front of you has the right of way. They may be a slowpoke and be blocking your line, but give them space so you don't accidentally hit them and have to get ski patrol involved. Always ski in control, too.

The skier code. Credit: Stonehouse signs
Stop somewhere sensible. Stop on the side of the piste or where you can be visibly seen so you don't end up being a part of someone's landing.
Know before you go. Make sure to know the trail you are taking so you don't screw yourself by blindly sending into a massive cliff zone or a run that's way steeper than what you're comfortable with. Ski areas hand out trail maps like candy - study them.

Don't litter. There are often bins at the top of ski lifts so you can recycle your beer cans. It takes a serious scumbag to actively litter in a holy place like a ski area.
Don't cut the lift line. People are already hot and bothered enough on powder days, and fists can fly at any moment in the line to a ski lift.

Stop and help a fellow skier who has fallen or looks hurt. This doesn't mean give them CPR or try to save their lives, but if you see a downed skier go over to them and see if they need ski patrol called. No one wants to be left unconscious in the snow.
Don't duck ropes or ski into closed areas. There's a reason ski patrol hasn't opened it yet, and it probably has something to do with your own safety. This is also the quickest way to lose that brand new, shiny season pass of yours.

Be friendly on the chair lift. No need to be standoffish on the chair, we're all here for the same reason. Say hi to your fellow skiers, unless they have music in or don't seem to speak the same language as you. Just be respectful and friendly, because who knows, you may make a new friend or wind up with a hot date.

Don't stand on other people's skis in the lift line. Pretty self-explanatory, but it still happens every day. No one wants a scratch on their brand new Atomic Bent Chetler's from some jerry in the lift line. Watch where you swing those ski poles, too.
HAVE FUN! A wise man once said that the best skier on the mountain is the one who has the most fun. Be as competitive as you like on the hill, but remember the whole reason why you started skiing in the first place - to enjoy yourself and the mountains!

Is there anything more fun than powder skiing? Credit: YouTube
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